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Spacebull Nova

An eye-tracker game for Mount Sinai Hospital that trains the quadriplegic patients to use the eye-tracking interface.


Won Gold award in the student category at

2022 International Serious Play Award

Don't have an eye-tracker?

Use your mouse to play



ROLE: Researcher & UI/UX Designer

CLIENT: Mount Sinai Hospital, New York

TIMELINE: 12 weeks, 2021

​​TEAM: 3 Developers, 1 3D Artist, 1 Game Designer

TOOLS: Illustrator, Photoshop, Figma, Unity 3D



Allow prospective Brain Computer Interface(BCI) users to become proficient in the skillsets that they require to operate a BCI before undergoing an invasive implantation surgery.

  • Create a fun eye tracker game, paired with a click or keystroke command.

  • Progressively train for precision. accuracy and speed with eye-tracker and click command. 

  • Design a dashboard back end that allows the science team to view eye tracking proficiency statistics for each patient.


The Strentrode is a novel BCI technology that has the potential to restore functional computer use in people with severe paralysis. Stentrode technology pairs with Tobii eye tracking technology in order to enable cursor control with eye movements and multiple brain-controlled click functions.


Much of this required training could easily be performed in a gamified environment online, allowing prospective BCI users to become proficient in the skillsets that they require to operate a BCI before undergoing an invasive implantation surgery. 


Upfront, I wanted to take note of any assumptions I had going into the project, which I could then prove or disprove based on research and testing, helping to steer the design direction.

  • Quadriplegic people are reluctant to play video games. 

  • Players with disability have different experiential goals from the wider population of players.

  • Quadriplegic people will prefer easy levels of challenge and simplistic visual information.




I began the research phase by conducting secondary research, first by completing a market research to understand the existing advancements in the field of eye tracking and BCI, continuing with research in accessible player experience, and a competitive analysis. 

Market Research

Market research helped me in understanding the existing range of assistive technologies, and how they have impacted the lives of people with severe paralysis. I especially wanted to get a sense for what effect games have on people's emotions, intelligence, creativity and just a person’s well-being.

“The eye mouse isn’t just an IT device,

but arms and legs for a patient with advanced disease”

- Hyung-Jin Shin of Yonsei University, who was born quadriplegic and helped in testing the Samsung EYECAN+

“For our users, it means so much more than being able to read and write,

it’s about independence."

- Fredrik Ruben, president of Tobii Dynavox

Accessible Player Experience

Through this research I better understood what it means to design something inclusively, from basic access where users can perceive and operate aspects of the system, to enablement where they can achieve goals, which then yield different experiences. 

I gained insights on players with disabilities: who they are as players, the types of games they play and the prevalence of use of assistive technologies and accessibility settings in games. It was intriguing to learn that people with disability were playing games of large formats just as the wider gamer population, and that the accessibility options are also being utilised by the population of abled gamers to enhance their experience.

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Images sourced from APX:The Players published by Department of Computer Science, University of York & AbleGamers Foundation, WV

Competitive Analysis

The competitive analysis showcases the strengths and weaknesses of existing Tobii eye-tracker games. I analysed the games for features that engaged or frustrated me and then evaluated them on the physical limitations of our target demographic of severely paralysed patients. 

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Problem statement:

Current eye tracker experiences are not engaging and tiring which makes people not want to interact with the eye tracking technology making it difficult for the researchers to train the patients with the same.​




The main portion of the research phase were the user interviews because they allowed for a direct insight from users with disabilities. To understand the interests of patients with severe paralysis who couldn't interact verbally, I interviewed neurologists, BCI researchers and the medical attendants who worked with the patients on a daily basis. 

User Interview

Overall the interviews discussed the experiences of users with disability playing video games, what makes games important for them, what are their interests in games, and how games enable them.

" It's frustrating if the tracking isn't responsive." 

"I can play for a short duration because I get tired soon."

"I'd love to play multi levels if I get the controls right."

"I want to be able to play games just like everyone else."

Along with quadriplegic patients, I also interviewed abled users from 15-60 years of age who play games, to understand people's connection with games in general because getting behind that reasoning could really steer the direction of engaging quadriplegic patients of all ages with diverse interests.

User Empathy

Upon completion of the interviews, I synthesized the results into various categories based on the different kinds of feedback in order to identify insights that would help to better the user experience. I focused on the users' interests in gaming and their experiences with the eye tracker interfaces.

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​I was able to gather key insights from the empathy map findings. The biggest insights I discovered were related to players frustrations with unresponsive controls that interrupt an enabling experience.

  • Users enjoy playing games and find it a fun way to spend time. 

  • Users get frustrated by complex mechanics and unresponsive controls.

  • Users with no neck mobility avoid long game sessions as they get tired.

  • Users prefer control personalisation like alternative inputs and subtitles.


​Rounding back to the empathy map by referencing the insights, I built a list of user needs that would dictate many decisions moving forward in the creation of a highly engaging experience.

  • Users need to be engaged and boost their mood.

  • Users need easy to learn mechanics and intuitive controls. 

  • Users need short play sessions.

  • Users need to be able to personalise the controls.



Using the insights and feedback from the empathy map, as well as the research gathered to this point, I was able to build a persona that would represent the user base for designing the game moving forward - Enzo. He loves to play games with minimal eye-tracking effort.

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Problem Statement

Current eye tracker experiences are not engaging and tiring which makes people not want to interact with the eye tracking technology making it difficult for the researchers to train the patients with the same.​  

HMW Questions


The “How Might We” questions intend to foster discussions for potential solutions that could better the user experience.

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Business, User, and Technology Goals


I began to set the design pillars for the game by first defining the goals of the project, from different perspectives, as well as how they overlap. The mutual goals are dictated by much of the research that's been done this far.


Game Design Pillars


I began to set the design pillars for the game by first defining the goals of the project, from different perspectives, as well as how they overlap. The mutual goals are dictated by much of the research that's been done this far.

High engagementfor all players

  • Grabs attention and immerses

  • Removes action-interaction dissonance

  • Attracts broad demographic

Simple to pick up,hard to master

  • Low barrier of entry

  • Designing objectives for mastery

  • Encouraging replayability

Provide analytics to researchers

  • Accuracy, Precision, and Reaction Time

  • Guests explore the edge of the screen

  • Multiple moments of explicit evaluation



I planned, mediated and participated in the brainstorming sessions where the team came up with design hypothesis based on the design pillars. We kicked off brainstorming with 80 or so ideas, which we consolidated and ranked into what excited the team the most as creators.

Following in faith of the playtesting spiral we refined our ideas in whatever simple way we could, including writing out designs, making storyboards, and discussing with clients to get their initial reactions.

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UI Design

UI Design

User Flow

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Based on the users' needs and limitations that I learnt from the user research, I defined a set of design goals that guided my design process and tested the mockups of my designs weekly with the surrogate users to ensure the designs met the intended goals.   

Simple and Intuitive

For easy understanding and readibility

Centred to the Screen

For ease of access in patients with no neck mobility

Visually Rich and Juicy

For bringing the game to life and more engagement.


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Game View

Distance from enemy

Speed of spaceship

Speed of enemy


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Game Screens

Distance from enemy

Speed of spaceship

Speed of enemy


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# Non-distracting UI for uninterrupted game interaction 

Redundant Distance from enemy

Speed of spaceship

Speed of enemy

Before testing

After testing

# Big & widely distanced buttons for easy eye-tracking

The users found the side to side placement and less distance between the buttons difficult to navigate using the eye-tracker. They ofter accidentally clicked the adjacent button that they did not intend. 

For some users the level of effort required to navigate from one button to another was more than expected or a great deal.

Before testing


After testing

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# Visual clarity for intuitive control 

Increase the contrast between the background and the objects by simply changing the background color.

Before testing

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After testing


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Final Designs

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UI Kit

Visual theme:

The game is based in space where the player plays the role of a pilot driving a spaceship chasing away the enemies. Supportive of this theme, the UI is intended to be look like controls in a spaceship to enhance the users' experience of driving a spaceship and make them feel more immersed in the experience. 

  • Campaign mode UI generates an intense feeling and is aimed for people who like more elegant and simple visuals.

  • Arcade mode generates a more playful carnival like feeling for people who enjoy stylised and vibrant visuals. 

From the playtests I learnt that the style of visual for the campaign mode attracted more of the older population while the younger population preferred the arcade mode more for its playfulness.

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Visual Effects

I was responsible to create the visual effects utilising the software Unity 3D to fulfil our experience goal of engaging the users for long to be able to increase the training session lengths. The visuals effects played a key role as they allowed our game to be a visual treat for our players by adding visual juiciness, and a feeling of satisfaction and reward. 



Visual Effects


" We hope to use this game to introduce quadriplegic patients to assistive technologies including eye-tracking itself and brain-computer interfaces that might benefit from the addition of eye-tracking while learning to use the technology. Our expectation is this fun game will increase patient engagement, which is so important to achieving successful outcomes. "

- Dr. Adam Fry, Mount Sinai Hospital

- Dr. Dev Sharma, Phd Researcher at CMU

Team Branding Design

I was responsible to design the branding for team Eyedeal, a team of 6 students from Carnegie Mellon University responsible for this project for Mount Sinai Hospital.  

The logo is inspired from a gaming controller that is made of neurons that depict the neuroscience genre of the game, with an eyeball as the only button on the controller depicting the utilisation of the eye track and a single click command. 

The poster extends the theme of neurons and depicts a brain with an eye ball representing the BCI that utilises the eye tracking technology. The elements hanging from he brain represent the gamified and digital nature of the product.

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Team logo

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Team poster

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